Is it merely a funny cat? Or an ouroboros of fluffy felines emerging from a cliff-face? Mankind may never know. Coincidentally, the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog this evening. Peculiar, isn't it?
This sentence is testing if my implementation of the Courier font works. The one involving the ouroboros of cats was testing if my edited version of the Bookman Old Style font used for the "An Essay on the Cold and More" heading works too. The most annoying part of this is every time i want to change between a font, font color, font size, my easiest solution is to type the name i added for the customizable text twice, once before and after the thing i want to type. im still trying to figure out a way to change the background color for better visibility. either way this is pretty managable, im pretty much nitpicking. anywho, theres your progress update THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPED OVER THE LAZY DOG